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Table 3 Mapping of EANBiT-RT modules to ISCB competencies and Blooms

From: Designing and delivering bioinformatics project-based learning in East Africa


ISCB competency

Blooms taxonomy

Technical: Version control and collaborative development (Git & GitHub & Slack)

F: Bioinformatics tools and their use

J: Scripting and programming appropriate to the discipline


Technical: Advanced scripting (including SED, AWK, and REGX)

F: Bioinformatics tools and their use

G: Fundamentals of Computer Science Systems

J: Scripting and programming appropriate to the discipline


Technical: Advanced R, tidyverse, R- markdown, Shiny apps (with practical)

F: Bioinformatics tools and their use

J: Scripting and programming appropriate to the discipline


Technical: Reproducibility (incl. notebooks) and package management: workflow languages (Nextflow, Snakemake) and containerization (Docker and Singularity)

H: Computing requirements appropriate to solve a given scientific problem

J: Scripting and programming appropriate to the discipline

K: Construction of software systems of varying complexity based on design and development principles



Technical: Whole genome genomics: Assembly, Metagenomics

C: Biological data generation technologies

F: Bioinformatics tools and their use



Technical: Long-read sequencing and its applications, with data analysis

C: Biological data generation technologies

F: Bioinformatics tools and their use



Project: Mini projects

O: Effective teamwork to achieve a common scientific goal

G: The ability of a computer-based system, process, algorithm, component, or program to meet desired needs in scientific environments/problems


Soft skills and Seminars: Ethics, Scientific communication, open science

L: Local and global impact of bioinformatics and genomics on individuals, organizations, and society

N: Effective communication of bioinformatics and genomics problems, issues, and topics with various audiences, including, but not limited to, other bioinformatics professionals

M: Professional, ethical, legal, security, and social issues and responsibilities of bioinformatics and genomics

Data in the workplace


Synthesis to Evaluation
